High Speed Karlsruhe XC878 library collection
CAN Node Status Fields | This group of defines specifies status fields that can be queried from hsk_can_status() |
External Interrupt Channels | This group consists of defines representing external interrupt channels |
External Interrupt Triggers | This group contains defines representing the different edge triggers |
External Interrupt Input Ports | Each define of this group represents an external interrupt port configuration |
Input Port Access | This group contains defines and macros to initialize port pins as inputs and read them |
Output Port Access | This group contains macros and defines to initialize port pins for output and safely set output states |
I/O Port Pull-Up/-Down Setup | This group contains macros and defines to initialize the pull-up/-down devices of port pins |
Variable Access | This group specifies macros to access bits of a variable |
Pulse Width Detection Units | This group of defines is used to select return format of hsk_pwc_channel_getValue() |
Pulse Width Times | The defines are for returning average pulse width |
Pulse Frequencies | These defines are for returning average frequencies |
Pulse Duty Times | These defines are used for returning the duty time of the latest pulse |
SSC I/O Ports | Used to create an I/O Port configuration, by unifying one of the SSC_MRST_P* with a SSC_MTSR_P* and a SSC_SCLK_P* ports |