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hsk_pwc.c File Reference

HSK Pulse Width Counter implementation. More...

#include <Infineon/XC878.h>
#include "hsk_pwc.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "../hsk_isr/hsk_isr.h"
Include dependency graph for hsk_pwc.c:


#define PWC_CHANNELS   4
 The number of available PWC channels. More...
#define CHAN_BUF_SIZE   8
 The size of a PWC ring buffer. More...
#define BIT_T2CCFG   4
 CR_MISC Timer 2 Capture/Compare Unit Clock Configuration bit. More...
#define BIT_CCTST   0
 T2CCU_CCTCON Capture/Compare Timer Start/Stop Control bit. More...
#define BIT_TIMSYN   1
 T2CCU_CCTCON Enable synchronized Timer Starts. More...
#define BIT_CCTOVEN   2
 T2CCU_CCTCON Capture/Compare Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable bit. More...
#define BIT_CCTOVF   3
 T2CCU_CCTCON Capture/Compare Timer Overflow Flag bit. More...
#define BIT_CCTPRE   4
 T2CCU_CCTCON T2CCU Capture/Compare Timer Control Register bits. More...
#define BIT_CCTBx   0
 T2CCU_CCTBSEL Channel x Time Base Select bit. More...
#define BIT_IMODE   4
 SYSCON0 Interrupt Structure 2 Mode Select bit. More...
#define BIT_CCM0   0
 T2CCU_CCEN Capture/Compare Enable bits start. More...
#define CNT_CCMx   2
 CCMx bit count. More...
 Default to using both edges for pulse detection. More...
#define CNT_EXINTx   2
 EXICONn EXINTx mode bit count. More...
 External Interrupt Control Register for setting the PWC_CC0 edge detection mode. More...
#define PWC_CC0_EXINT_BIT   6
 The edge detection mode bit position for PWC_CC0. More...
 External Interrupt Control Register for setting the PWC_CC1 edge detection mode. More...
#define PWC_CC1_EXINT_BIT   0
 The edge detection mode bit position for PWC_CC1. More...
 External Interrupt Control Register for setting the PWC_CC2 edge detection mode. More...
#define PWC_CC2_EXINT_BIT   2
 The edge detection mode bit position for PWC_CC2. More...
 External Interrupt Control Register for setting the PWC_CC3 edge detection mode. More...
#define PWC_CC3_EXINT_BIT   4
 The edge detection mode bit position for PWC_CC3. More...
#define BIT_T2CCU_DIS   3
 PMCON1 T2CCU Disable Request bit. More...


void hsk_pwc_isr_ccn (const hsk_pwc_channel channel, uword capture) using 1
 This is the common implementation of the Capture ISRs. More...
void hsk_pwc_isr_cc0_p30 (void)
 The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC0_P30. More...
void hsk_pwc_isr_cc0_p40 (void)
 The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC0_P40. More...
void hsk_pwc_isr_cc0_p55 (void)
 The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC0_P55. More...
void hsk_pwc_isr_cc1_p32 (void)
 The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC1_P32. More...
void hsk_pwc_isr_cc1_p41 (void)
 The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC1_P41. More...
void hsk_pwc_isr_cc1_p56 (void)
 The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC1_P56. More...
void hsk_pwc_isr_cc2_p33 (void)
 The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC2_P33. More...
void hsk_pwc_isr_cc2_p44 (void)
 The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC2_P44. More...
void hsk_pwc_isr_cc2_p52 (void)
 The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC2_P52. More...
void hsk_pwc_isr_cc3_p34 (void)
 The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC3_P34. More...
void hsk_pwc_isr_cc3_p45 (void)
 The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC3_P45. More...
void hsk_pwc_isr_cc3_p57 (void)
 The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC3_P57. More...
void hsk_pwc_isr_cctOverflow (void)
 The ISR for Capture/Compare overflow events. More...
void hsk_pwc_ccn (const hsk_pwc_channel channel, uword capture)
 This is the common implementation for soft capture events. More...
void hsk_pwc_init (ulong window)
 This function initializes the T2CCU Capture/Compare Unit for capture mode. More...
void hsk_pwc_channel_open (const hsk_pwc_channel channel, ubyte averageOver)
 Configures a PWC channel without an input port. More...
void hsk_pwc_port_open (const hsk_pwc_port port, ubyte averageOver)
 Opens an input port and the connected channel. More...
void hsk_pwc_channel_close (const hsk_pwc_channel channel)
 Close a PWC channel. More...
void hsk_pwc_channel_edgeMode (const hsk_pwc_channel channel, const ubyte edgeMode)
 Select the edge that is used to detect a pulse. More...
void hsk_pwc_channel_captureMode (const hsk_pwc_channel channel, const ubyte captureMode)
 Allows switching between external and soft trigger. More...
void hsk_pwc_channel_trigger (const hsk_pwc_channel channel)
 Triggers a channel in soft trigger mode. More...
void hsk_pwc_enable (void)
 Enables T2CCU module if disabled. More...
void hsk_pwc_disable (void)
 Turns off the T2CCU clock to preserve power. More...
ulong hsk_pwc_channel_getValue (const hsk_pwc_channel channel, const ubyte unit)
 Returns a measure of the values in a channel buffer. More...


ubyte hsk_pwc_prescaler
 The prescaling factor. More...
volatile ubyte hsk_pwc_overflow
 A CCT overflow counter. More...
struct {
   ulong   sum
 The sum of the values stored in the ring buffer. More...
   uword   buffer [8]
 A ring buffer of PWC values. More...
   uword   lastCapture
 The last captured value. More...
   ubyte   averageOver
 The number of pulses to average over. More...
   ubyte   pos
 The current ring position. More...
   ubyte   overflow
 The overflow count during the last capture. More...
   ubyte   invalid
 This is an invalidation counter. More...
   ubyte   state
 The state of the input pin during the last update. More...
hsk_pwc_channels [4]
 Processing data for PWC channels. More...
struct {
   ubyte   portBit
 The input port configuration bit position. More...
   ubyte   portSel
 The input port configuration bits to select. More...
   ubyte   inBit
 The external interrupt configuration bit position. More...
   ubyte   inSel
 The external interrupt configuration to select. More...
   ubyte   inCount
 The external interrupt configuration bit count. More...
hsk_pwc_ports []
 External input configuration structure. More...

Detailed Description

HSK Pulse Width Counter implementation.

The Pulse Width Conter (PWC) module uses the T2CCU Capture/Compare Timer (CCT) to measure pulse width.


Macro Definition Documentation

#define BIT_CCM0   0

T2CCU_CCEN Capture/Compare Enable bits start.

#define BIT_CCTBx   0

T2CCU_CCTBSEL Channel x Time Base Select bit.

#define BIT_CCTOVEN   2

T2CCU_CCTCON Capture/Compare Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable bit.

#define BIT_CCTOVF   3

T2CCU_CCTCON Capture/Compare Timer Overflow Flag bit.

#define BIT_CCTPRE   4

T2CCU_CCTCON T2CCU Capture/Compare Timer Control Register bits.

#define BIT_CCTST   0

T2CCU_CCTCON Capture/Compare Timer Start/Stop Control bit.

#define BIT_IMODE   4

SYSCON0 Interrupt Structure 2 Mode Select bit.

#define BIT_T2CCFG   4

CR_MISC Timer 2 Capture/Compare Unit Clock Configuration bit.

#define BIT_T2CCU_DIS   3

PMCON1 T2CCU Disable Request bit.

#define BIT_TIMSYN   1

T2CCU_CCTCON Enable synchronized Timer Starts.

#define CHAN_BUF_SIZE   8

The size of a PWC ring buffer.

This must not be greater than 32 or the calculation of values returned by hsk_pwc_channel_getValue() might overflow.

The value 8 should be a sensible compromise between an interest to get averages from a sufficient number of values and memory use.

#define CNT_CCMx   2

CCMx bit count.

#define CNT_EXINTx   2

EXICONn EXINTx mode bit count.


Default to using both edges for pulse detection.

#define PWC_CC0_EXINT_BIT   6

The edge detection mode bit position for PWC_CC0.


External Interrupt Control Register for setting the PWC_CC0 edge detection mode.

#define PWC_CC1_EXINT_BIT   0

The edge detection mode bit position for PWC_CC1.


External Interrupt Control Register for setting the PWC_CC1 edge detection mode.

#define PWC_CC2_EXINT_BIT   2

The edge detection mode bit position for PWC_CC2.


External Interrupt Control Register for setting the PWC_CC2 edge detection mode.

#define PWC_CC3_EXINT_BIT   4

The edge detection mode bit position for PWC_CC3.


External Interrupt Control Register for setting the PWC_CC3 edge detection mode.

#define PWC_CHANNELS   4

The number of available PWC channels.

Function Documentation

void hsk_pwc_ccn ( const hsk_pwc_channel  channel,
uword  capture 

This is the common implementation for soft capture events.

channelThe channel that was captured.
captureThe value that was captured.
void hsk_pwc_channel_captureMode ( const hsk_pwc_channel  channel,
const ubyte  captureMode 

Allows switching between external and soft trigger.

This does not reconfigure the input ports. Available modes are specified in the PWC_MODE_* defines. PWC_MODE_EXT is the default.

channelThe channel to configure.
captureModeThe mode to set the channel to.
void hsk_pwc_channel_close ( const hsk_pwc_channel  channel)

Close a PWC channel.

channelThe channel to close.
void hsk_pwc_channel_edgeMode ( const hsk_pwc_channel  channel,
const ubyte  edgeMode 

Select the edge that is used to detect a pulse.

Available edges are specified in the PWC_EDGE_* defines.

channelThe channel to configure the edge for.
edgeModeThe selected edge detection mode.
ulong hsk_pwc_channel_getValue ( const hsk_pwc_channel  channel,
const ubyte  unit 

Returns a measure of the values in a channel buffer.

It also takes care of invalidating channels that haven't been captured for too long.

The value is returned in a requested unit, the units defined as PWC_UNIT_* are available.

channelThe channel to return the buffer sum of
unit' The unit to return the channel value in
Return values
>0The channel value in the requested unit
0Invalid channel, measurement timed out
void hsk_pwc_channel_open ( const hsk_pwc_channel  channel,
ubyte  averageOver 

Configures a PWC channel without an input port.

The channel is set up for software triggering (PWC_MODE_SOFT), and triggering on both edges (PWC_EDGE_BOTH).

channelThe PWC channel to open
averageOverThe number of pulse values to average over when returning a value or speed. The value must be between 1 and 8.

Set the PWC capture mode.

Set the interrupt triggering edge.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_pwc_channel_trigger ( const hsk_pwc_channel  channel)

Triggers a channel in soft trigger mode.

channelThe channel to trigger.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_pwc_disable ( void  )

Turns off the T2CCU clock to preserve power.

void hsk_pwc_enable ( void  )

Enables T2CCU module if disabled.

void hsk_pwc_init ( ulong  window)

This function initializes the T2CCU Capture/Compare Unit for capture mode.

The capturing is based on the CCT timer. Timer T2 is not used and thus can be useed without interference.

The window time is the time frame within which pulses should be detected. A smaller time frame results in higher precission, but detection of longer pulses will fail.

Window times vary between ~1ms ( $(2^{16} - 1) / (48 * 10^6)$) and ~5592ms ( $(2^{16} - 1) * 2^{12} / (48 * 10^6)$). The shortest window time delivers ~20ns and the longest time ~85µs precision.

The real window time is on a logarithmic scale (base 2), the init function will select the lowest scale that guarantees the required window time. I.e. the highest precision possible with the desired window time, which is at least $2^{15}$ for all windows below or equal 5592ms.

windowThe time in ms to detect a pulse.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_pwc_isr_cc0_p30 ( void  )

The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC0_P30.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_pwc_isr_cc0_p40 ( void  )

The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC0_P40.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_pwc_isr_cc0_p55 ( void  )

The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC0_P55.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_pwc_isr_cc1_p32 ( void  )

The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC1_P32.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_pwc_isr_cc1_p41 ( void  )

The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC1_P41.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_pwc_isr_cc1_p56 ( void  )

The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC1_P56.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_pwc_isr_cc2_p33 ( void  )

The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC2_P33.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_pwc_isr_cc2_p44 ( void  )

The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC2_P44.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_pwc_isr_cc2_p52 ( void  )

The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC2_P52.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_pwc_isr_cc3_p34 ( void  )

The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC3_P34.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_pwc_isr_cc3_p45 ( void  )

The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC3_P45.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_pwc_isr_cc3_p57 ( void  )

The ISR for Capture events on channel PWC_CC3_P57.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_pwc_isr_ccn ( const hsk_pwc_channel  channel,
uword  capture 

This is the common implementation of the Capture ISRs.

channelThe channel that was captured.
captureThe value that was captured.
void hsk_pwc_isr_cctOverflow ( void  )

The ISR for Capture/Compare overflow events.

It simply increases hsk_pwc_overflow, which is used by hsk_pwc_channel_getSum() to check whether the capture time window was left.

void hsk_pwc_port_open ( const hsk_pwc_port  port,
ubyte  averageOver 

Opens an input port and the connected channel.

The available configurations are available from the PWC_CCn_* defines.

portThe input port to open
averageOverThe number of pulse values to average over when returning a value or speed. The value must be between 1 and CHAN_BUF_SIZE

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

ubyte averageOver

The number of pulses to average over.

uword buffer[8]

A ring buffer of PWC values.


Processing data for PWC channels.

volatile ubyte hsk_pwc_overflow

A CCT overflow counter.

Initial value:
= {
{0, 3, 0, 2, 2},
{0, 4, 0, 1, 2},
{5, 2, 0, 3, 2},
{2, 5, 2, 2, 2},
{1, 1, 2, 1, 2},
{6, 2, 2, 3, 2},
{3, 1, 4, 2, 2},
{4, 3, 4, 1, 2},
{2, 2, 4, 3, 2},
{4, 4, 5, 3, 3},
{5, 3, 5, 2, 3},
{7, 3, 5, 4, 3}

External input configuration structure.

ubyte hsk_pwc_prescaler

The prescaling factor.

ubyte inBit

The external interrupt configuration bit position.

ubyte inCount

The external interrupt configuration bit count.

ubyte inSel

The external interrupt configuration to select.

ubyte invalid

This is an invalidation counter.

Each time 0 is written into the buffer this is increased. Each time a valid value makes it in it's decreased, so that results are only output by getSum when all values are valid.

uword lastCapture

The last captured value.

ubyte overflow

The overflow count during the last capture.

This is used by hsk_pwc_channel_getSum() to detect whether the capturing time window was left.

ubyte portBit

The input port configuration bit position.

ubyte portSel

The input port configuration bits to select.

ubyte pos

The current ring position.

ubyte state

The state of the input pin during the last update.

I.e. in case of 0 a high pulse was completed, in case of 1 a low pulse.

ulong sum

The sum of the values stored in the ring buffer.