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hsk_can.h File Reference

HSK Controller Area Network headers. More...

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#define CAN_ERROR   0xff
 Value returned by functions in case of an error. More...
#define CAN0   0
 CAN node 0. More...
#define CAN1   1
 CAN node 1. More...
#define CAN0_IO_P10_P11   0
 CAN node 0 IO RX on P1.0, TX on P1.1. More...
#define CAN0_IO_P16_P17   1
 CAN node 0 IO RX on P1.6, TX on P1.7. More...
#define CAN0_IO_P34_P35   2
 CAN node 0 IO RX on P3.4, TX on P3.5. More...
#define CAN0_IO_P40_P41   3
 CAN node 0 IO RX on P4.0, TX on P4.1. More...
#define CAN1_IO_P01_P02   4
 CAN node 1 IO RX on P0.1, TX on P0.2. More...
#define CAN1_IO_P14_P13   5
 CAN node 1 IO RX on P1.4, TX on P1.3. More...
#define CAN1_IO_P32_P33   6
 CAN node 1 IO RX on P3.2, TX on P3.3. More...
#define CAN_ENDIAN_INTEL   0
 Little endian signal encoding. More...
 Big endian signal encoding. More...
#define CAN_STATUS_LEC   0
 The Last Error Code field provides the error triggered by the last message on the bus. More...
#define CAN_STATUS_TXOK   1
 Message Transmitted Successfully. More...
#define CAN_STATUS_RXOK   2
 Message Received Successfully. More...
#define CAN_STATUS_ALERT   3
 Alert Warning. More...
#define CAN_STATUS_EWRN   4
 Error Warning Status. More...
#define CAN_STATUS_BOFF   5
 Bus-off Status. More...


typedef ubyte hsk_can_node
 CAN node identifiers. More...
typedef ubyte hsk_can_msg
 CAN message object identifiers. More...
typedef ubyte hsk_can_fifo
 CAN message FIFO identifiers. More...


void hsk_can_init (const ubyte pins, const ulong baud)
 Setup CAN communication with the desired baud rate. More...
void hsk_can_enable (const hsk_can_node node)
 Go live on the CAN bus. More...
void hsk_can_disable (const hsk_can_node node)
 Disable a CAN node. More...
ubyte hsk_can_status (const hsk_can_node node, const ubyte field)
 Returns a status field of a CAN node. More...
hsk_can_msg hsk_can_msg_create (const ulong id, const bool extended, const ubyte dlc)
 Creates a new CAN message. More...
ubyte hsk_can_msg_connect (const hsk_can_msg msg, const hsk_can_node node)
 Connect a message object to a CAN node. More...
ubyte hsk_can_msg_disconnect (const hsk_can_msg msg)
 Disconnect a CAN message object from its CAN node. More...
ubyte hsk_can_msg_delete (const hsk_can_msg msg)
 Delete a CAN message object. More...
void hsk_can_msg_getData (const hsk_can_msg msg, ubyte *const msgdata)
 Gets the current data in the CAN message. More...
void hsk_can_msg_setData (const hsk_can_msg msg, const ubyte *const msgdata)
 Sets the current data in the CAN message. More...
void hsk_can_msg_send (const hsk_can_msg msg)
 Request transmission of a message. More...
bool hsk_can_msg_sent (const hsk_can_msg msg)
 Return whether the message was successfully sent between this and the previous call of this method. More...
void hsk_can_msg_receive (const hsk_can_msg msg)
 Return the message into RX mode after sending a message. More...
bool hsk_can_msg_updated (const hsk_can_msg msg)
 Return whether the message was updated via CAN bus between this call and the previous call of this method. More...
hsk_can_fifo hsk_can_fifo_create (ubyte size)
 Creates a message FIFO. More...
void hsk_can_fifo_setupRx (hsk_can_fifo fifo, const ulong id, const bool extended, const ubyte dlc)
 Set the FIFO up for receiving messages. More...
void hsk_can_fifo_setRxMask (const hsk_can_fifo fifo, ulong msk)
 Changes the ID matching mask of an RX FIFO. More...
ubyte hsk_can_fifo_connect (const hsk_can_fifo fifo, const hsk_can_node node)
 Connect a FIFO to a CAN node. More...
ubyte hsk_can_fifo_disconnect (const hsk_can_fifo fifo)
 Disconnect a FIFO from its CAN node. More...
ubyte hsk_can_fifo_delete (const hsk_can_fifo fifo)
 Delete a FIFO. More...
void hsk_can_fifo_next (const hsk_can_fifo fifo)
 Select the next FIFO entry. More...
ulong hsk_can_fifo_getId (const hsk_can_fifo fifo)
 Returns the CAN ID of the selected FIFO entry. More...
bool hsk_can_fifo_updated (const hsk_can_fifo fifo)
 Return whether the currently selected FIFO entry was updated via CAN bus between this call and the previous call of this method. More...
void hsk_can_fifo_getData (const hsk_can_fifo fifo, ubyte *const msgdata)
 Gets the data from the currently selected FIFO entry. More...
void hsk_can_data_setSignal (ubyte *const msg, const bool endian, const bool sign, const ubyte bitPos, const char bitCount, const ulong value)
 Sets a signal value in a data field. More...
ulong hsk_can_data_getSignal (const ubyte *const msg, const bool endian, const bool sign, const ubyte bitPos, const char bitCount)
 Get a signal value from a data field. More...

Detailed Description

HSK Controller Area Network headers.

This file contains the function prototypes to initialize and engage in CAN communication over the builtin CAN nodes 0 and 1.


CAN Message/Signal Tuples

The recommended way to use messages and signals is not to specify them inline, but to provide defines with a set of parameters.

These tupples should follow the following pattern:

#define MSG_<MSGNAME> <id>, <extended>, <dlc>
#define SIG_<SIGNAME> <endian>, <bitPos>, <bitCount>

The symbols have the following meaning:

  • MSGNAME: The name of the message in capitals, e.g. AFB_CHANNELS
  • id: The CAN id of the message, e.g. 0x403
  • extended: Whether the CAN ID is extended or not, e.g. 0 for a regular ID
  • dlc: The data length count of the message, e.g. 3
  • SIGNAME: The name of the signal in capitals, e.g. AFB_CHANNEL0_CURRENT
  • endian: Whether the signal is in little or big endian format, e.g. CAN_ENDIAN_INTEL
  • bitPos: The starting bit of the signal, e.g. 0
  • bitCount: The length of the signal in bits, e.g. 10

Tuples using the specified format can directly be used as parameters for several functions in the library.

CAN Node Management

There are 7 port pairs available for CAN communication, check the CANn_IO_* defines. Four for the node CAN0 and three for CAN1.

Message Object Management

The MultiCAN module offers up to 32 message objects. New messages are set up for receiving messages. Message object can be switched from RX to TX mode and back with the hsk_can_msg_send() and hsk_can_msg_receive() functions.


FIFOs are the weapon of choice when dealing with large numbers of individual messages or when receving multiplexed data. In most use cases only the latest version of a message is relevant and FIFOs are not required. But messages containing multiplexed signals may contain critical signals that would be overwritten by a message with the same ID, but a different multiplexor.

If more message IDs than available message objects are used to send and/or receive data, there is no choice but to use a FIFO.

Currently only RX FIFOs are supported.

A FIFO can act as a buffer the CAN module can store message data in until it can be dealt with. The following example illustrates how to read from a FIFO:

if (hsk_can_fifo_updated(fifo0)) {
hsk_can_fifo_getData(fifo0, data0);
select = hsk_can_data_getSignal(data0, SIG_MULTIPLEXOR);

When using a mask to accept several messages checking the ID becomes necessary:

if (hsk_can_fifo_updated(fifo0)) {
switch (hsk_can_fifo_getId()) {
case MSG_0_ID:
hsk_can_fifo_getData(fifo0, data0);
case MSG_1_ID:
hsk_can_fifo_getData(fifo0, data1);

FIFOs draw from the same message object pool regular message objects do.

Message Data

The hsk_can_data_setSignal() and hsk_can_data_getSignal() functions allow writing and reading signals across byte boundaries to and from a buffer.

For big endian signals the bit position of the most significant bit must be supplied (highest bit in the first byte). For little endian signals the least significant bit must be supplied (lowest bit in the first byte).

This conforms to the way signal positions are stored in Vector CANdb++ DBC files.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define CAN0   0

CAN node 0.

#define CAN0_IO_P10_P11   0

CAN node 0 IO RX on P1.0, TX on P1.1.

#define CAN0_IO_P16_P17   1

CAN node 0 IO RX on P1.6, TX on P1.7.

#define CAN0_IO_P34_P35   2

CAN node 0 IO RX on P3.4, TX on P3.5.

#define CAN0_IO_P40_P41   3

CAN node 0 IO RX on P4.0, TX on P4.1.

#define CAN1   1

CAN node 1.

#define CAN1_IO_P01_P02   4

CAN node 1 IO RX on P0.1, TX on P0.2.

#define CAN1_IO_P14_P13   5

CAN node 1 IO RX on P1.4, TX on P1.3.

#define CAN1_IO_P32_P33   6

CAN node 1 IO RX on P3.2, TX on P3.3.

#define CAN_ENDIAN_INTEL   0

Little endian signal encoding.


Big endian signal encoding.

#define CAN_ERROR   0xff

Value returned by functions in case of an error.

Typedef Documentation

typedef ubyte hsk_can_fifo

CAN message FIFO identifiers.

typedef ubyte hsk_can_msg

CAN message object identifiers.

typedef ubyte hsk_can_node

CAN node identifiers.

Function Documentation

ulong hsk_can_data_getSignal ( const ubyte *const  msg,
const bool  endian,
const bool  sign,
const ubyte  bitPos,
const char  bitCount 

Get a signal value from a data field.

msgThe message data field to read from
endianLittle or big endian encoding
signIndicates whether the value has a signed type
bitPosThe bit position of the signal
bitCountThe length of the signal
The signal from the data field msg

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_can_data_setSignal ( ubyte *const  msg,
const bool  endian,
const bool  sign,
const ubyte  bitPos,
const char  bitCount,
const ulong  value 

Sets a signal value in a data field.

msgThe message data field to write into
endianLittle or big endian encoding
signIndicates whether the value has a signed type
bitPosThe bit position of the signal
bitCountThe length of the signal
valueThe signal value to write into the data field

The sign parameter is not required for setting signals, it is just there so that one signal configuration tuple suffices for hsk_can_data_setSignal() and hsk_can_data_getSignal().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_can_disable ( const hsk_can_node  node)

Disable a CAN node.

This completely shuts down a CAN node, cutting it off from the internal clock, to reduce energy consumption.

nodeThe CAN node to disable
void hsk_can_enable ( const hsk_can_node  node)

Go live on the CAN bus.

To be called when everything is set up.

nodeThe CAN node to enable
ubyte hsk_can_fifo_connect ( const hsk_can_fifo  fifo,
const hsk_can_node  node 

Connect a FIFO to a CAN node.

fifoThe identifier of the FIFO
nodeThe CAN node to connect to
Return values
CAN_ERRORThe given FIFO is not valid

Here is the call graph for this function:

hsk_can_fifo hsk_can_fifo_create ( ubyte  size)

Creates a message FIFO.

FIFOs can be used to ensure that multiplexed signals are not lost.

For receiving multiplexed signals it is recommended to use a FIFO as large as the number of multiplexed messages that might occur in a single burst.

If the multiplexor is large, e.g. 8 bits, it's obviously not possible to carve a 256 messages FIFO out of 32 message objects. Make an educated guess and hope that the signal provider is not hostile.

If the number of available message objects is at least one, but less than the requested length this function succeeds, but the FIFO is only created as long as possible.

sizeThe desired FIFO size
Return values
CAN_ERRORCreating the FIFO failed
[0;32[The created FIFO id

Slave Objects

Slave objects are put into the same list as the base message object, so it can be used as a slave as well.

Always configure slave messages as TXSLAVEs, because in RXMODE the setting is ignored anyway.

Message Pointers

MOFGPRn of the base object holds the message pointers that define the list boundaries. SEL will be used to keep track of where to read/write the next message when interacting with the FIFO.

ubyte hsk_can_fifo_delete ( const hsk_can_fifo  fifo)

Delete a FIFO.

fifoThe identifier of the FIFO
Return values
CAN_ERRORThe given FIFO is not valid

Here is the call graph for this function:

ubyte hsk_can_fifo_disconnect ( const hsk_can_fifo  fifo)

Disconnect a FIFO from its CAN node.

This takes the FIFO out of active communication, without deleting it.

fifoThe identifier of the FIFO
Return values
CAN_ERRORThe given FIFO is not valid

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_can_fifo_getData ( const hsk_can_fifo  fifo,
ubyte *const  msgdata 

Gets the data from the currently selected FIFO entry.

This writes DLC bytes from the FIFO entry into msgdata.

fifoThe identifier of the FIFO
msgdataThe character array to store the message data in

Here is the call graph for this function:

ulong hsk_can_fifo_getId ( const hsk_can_fifo  fifo)

Returns the CAN ID of the selected FIFO entry.

fifoThe ID of the FIFO
The ID of the currently selected message object
void hsk_can_fifo_next ( const hsk_can_fifo  fifo)

Select the next FIFO entry.

The hsk_can_fifo_updated() and hsk_can_fifo_getData() functions always refer to a certain message within the FIFO. This function selects the next entry.

fifoThe ID of the FIFO to select the next entry from
void hsk_can_fifo_setRxMask ( const hsk_can_fifo  fifo,
ulong  msk 

Changes the ID matching mask of an RX FIFO.

Every RX FIFO is setup to receive only on complete ID matches. This function allows updating the mask.

To generate a mask from a list of IDs use the following formula:

\[ msk = \sim(id_0 | id_1 | ... | id_n) | (id_0 \& id_1 \& ... \& id_n) \]

fifoThe FIFO to change the RX mask for
mskThe bit mask to set for the FIFO
void hsk_can_fifo_setupRx ( hsk_can_fifo  fifo,
const ulong  id,
const bool  extended,
const ubyte  dlc 

Set the FIFO up for receiving messages.

fifoThe FIFO to setup
idThe message ID.
extendedSet this to 1 for an extended CAN message
dlcThe data length code, # of bytes in the message, valid values range from 0 to 8
bool hsk_can_fifo_updated ( const hsk_can_fifo  fifo)

Return whether the currently selected FIFO entry was updated via CAN bus between this call and the previous call of this method.

It can be used to decide when to call hsk_can_fifo_getData() and hsk_can_fifo_next().

fifoThe identifier of the FIFO to check
Return values
1The FIFO entry was updated since the last call of this function
0The FIFO entry has not been updated since the last call of this function

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_can_init ( const ubyte  pins,
const ulong  baud 

Setup CAN communication with the desired baud rate.

The CAN node is chosen with the pin configuration.

The bus still needs to be enabled after being setup.

pinsChoose one of 7 CANn_IO_* configurations
baudThe target baud rate to use

Configure the Bit Timing Unit

Careful study of section 16.1.3 "CAN Node Control" of the XC878 Reference Manual is advised before changing the following code.
Minima and maxima are specified in ISO 11898.

One bit is s separated into 3 blocks, each of which are multiples of a time quantum. The size of the time quantum (TQ) is controlled by the BRP and DIV8 bits. Because TSYNC is fixed to a single quantum, the other segments should be made up of a minimum of TQs, so TSYNC doesn't get too short (making a bit up of more TQs requires each one to be shorter at the same baud rate). However, the minimum number of TQs is 8 and some spare quantums are needed to adjust the timing between each bit transmission.

Time Slice Value Minimum Encoding
TSYNC 1 Fixed Implicite
TSEG1 8 3 7
TSEG2 3 2 2
SWJ 4 - 3

The above values provide 4 time quantums to adjust between bits without dropping below 8 quantums. The adjustment value is provided with the SWJ time slice.

The sample point is between TSEG1 and TSEG2, i.e. at 75%.

This means one bit requires 12 cycles. The BRP bits can be used to achieve the desired baud rate:

\[ baud = 48000000 / 12 / BRP \]

\[ BRP = 48000000 / 12 / baud \]

The encoding of BRT is also VALUE+1.

I/O Configuration

There are 7 different I/O pin configurations, four are availabe to node 0 and three to node 1.

See Also
Section 16.1.11 "MultiCAN Port Control" of the XC878 Reference Manual
ubyte hsk_can_msg_connect ( const hsk_can_msg  msg,
const hsk_can_node  node 

Connect a message object to a CAN node.

msgThe identifier of the message object
nodeThe CAN node to connect to
Return values
CAN_ERRORThe given message is not valid

Here is the call graph for this function:

hsk_can_msg hsk_can_msg_create ( const ulong  id,
const bool  extended,
const ubyte  dlc 

Creates a new CAN message.

Note that only up to 32 messages can exist at any given time.

Extended messages have 29 bit IDs and non-extended 11 bit IDs.

idThe message ID.
extendedSet this to 1 for an extended CAN message.
dlcThe data length code, # of bytes in the message, valid values range from 0 to 8.
Return values
CAN_ERRORCreating the message failed
[0;32[A message identifier
ubyte hsk_can_msg_delete ( const hsk_can_msg  msg)

Delete a CAN message object.

msgThe identifier of the message object
Return values
CAN_ERRORThe given message is not valid

Here is the call graph for this function:

ubyte hsk_can_msg_disconnect ( const hsk_can_msg  msg)

Disconnect a CAN message object from its CAN node.

This takes a CAN message out of active communication, without deleting it.

msgThe identifier of the message object
Return values
CAN_ERRORThe given message is not valid

Here is the call graph for this function:

void hsk_can_msg_getData ( const hsk_can_msg  msg,
ubyte *const  msgdata 

Gets the current data in the CAN message.

This writes DLC bytes from the CAN message object into msgdata.

msgThe identifier of the message object
msgdataThe character array to store the message data in
void hsk_can_msg_receive ( const hsk_can_msg  msg)

Return the message into RX mode after sending a message.

After sending a message the messages with the same ID from other bus participants are ignored. This restores the original setting to receive messages.

msgThe identifier of the message to receive
void hsk_can_msg_send ( const hsk_can_msg  msg)

Request transmission of a message.

msgThe identifier of the message to send
bool hsk_can_msg_sent ( const hsk_can_msg  msg)

Return whether the message was successfully sent between this and the previous call of this method.

msgThe identifier of the message to check
Return values
1The message was sent since the last call of this function
0The message has not been sent since the last call of this function
void hsk_can_msg_setData ( const hsk_can_msg  msg,
const ubyte *const  msgdata 

Sets the current data in the CAN message.

This writes DLC bytes from msgdata to the CAN message object.

msgThe identifier of the message object
msgdataThe character array to get the message data from
bool hsk_can_msg_updated ( const hsk_can_msg  msg)

Return whether the message was updated via CAN bus between this call and the previous call of this method.

An update does not entail a change of message data. It just means the message was received on the CAN bus.

This is useful for cyclic message occurance checks.

msgThe identifier of the message to check
Return values
1The message was updated since the last call of this function
0The message has not been updated since the last call of this function
ubyte hsk_can_status ( const hsk_can_node  node,
const ubyte  field 

Returns a status field of a CAN node.

nodeThe CAN node to return the status of
fieldThe status field to select
The status field state
See Also
CAN Node Status Fields