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1 /** \file
2  * HSK Controller Area Network headers
3  *
4  * This file contains the function prototypes to initialize and engage in
5  * CAN communication over the builtin CAN nodes 0 and 1.
6  *
7  * @author kami
8  *
9  * \section tuples CAN Message/Signal Tuples
10  *
11  * The recommended way to use messages and signals is not to specify them
12  * inline, but to provide defines with a set of parameters.
13  *
14  * These tupples should follow the following pattern:
15  * \code
16  * #define MSG_<MSGNAME> <id>, <extended>, <dlc>
17  * #define SIG_<SIGNAME> <endian>, <bitPos>, <bitCount>
18  * \endcode
19  *
20  * The symbols have the following meaning:
21  * - MSGNAME: The name of the message in capitals, e.g. AFB_CHANNELS
22  * - id: The CAN id of the message, e.g. 0x403
23  * - extended: Whether the CAN ID is extended or not, e.g. 0 for a
24  * regular ID
25  * - dlc: The data length count of the message, e.g. 3
26  * - SIGNAME: The name of the signal in capitals, e.g.
28  * - endian: Whether the signal is in little or big endian format,
30  * - bitPos: The starting bit of the signal, e.g. 0
31  * - bitCount: The length of the signal in bits, e.g. 10
32  *
33  * Tuples using the specified format can directly be used as parameters
34  * for several functions in the library.
35  */
37 #ifndef _HSK_CAN_H_
38 #define _HSK_CAN_H_
40 /**
41  * Value returned by functions in case of an error.
42  */
43 #define CAN_ERROR 0xff
45 /**
46  * CAN node 0.
47  */
48 #define CAN0 0
50 /**
51  * CAN node 1.
52  */
53 #define CAN1 1
55 /**
56  * CAN node 0 IO RX on P1.0, TX on P1.1.
57  */
58 #define CAN0_IO_P10_P11 0
60 /**
61  * CAN node 0 IO RX on P1.6, TX on P1.7.
62  */
63 #define CAN0_IO_P16_P17 1
65 /**
66  * CAN node 0 IO RX on P3.4, TX on P3.5.
67  */
68 #define CAN0_IO_P34_P35 2
70 /**
71  * CAN node 0 IO RX on P4.0, TX on P4.1.
72  */
73 #define CAN0_IO_P40_P41 3
75 /**
76  * CAN node 1 IO RX on P0.1, TX on P0.2.
77  */
78 #define CAN1_IO_P01_P02 4
80 /**
81  * CAN node 1 IO RX on P1.4, TX on P1.3.
82  */
83 #define CAN1_IO_P14_P13 5
85 /**
86  * CAN node 1 IO RX on P3.2, TX on P3.3.
87  */
88 #define CAN1_IO_P32_P33 6
90 /**
91  * Little endian signal encoding.
92  */
93 #define CAN_ENDIAN_INTEL 0
95 /**
96  * Big endian signal encoding.
97  */
100 /**
101  * CAN node identifiers.
102  */
103 typedef ubyte hsk_can_node;
105 /**
106  * CAN message object identifiers.
107  */
108 typedef ubyte hsk_can_msg;
110 /**
111  * CAN message FIFO identifiers.
112  */
113 typedef ubyte hsk_can_fifo;
115 /** \file
116  * \section nodes CAN Node Management
117  *
118  * There are 7 port pairs available for CAN communication, check the CANn_IO_*
119  * defines. Four for the node CAN0 and three for CAN1.
120  */
122 /**
123  * Setup CAN communication with the desired baud rate.
124  *
125  * The CAN node is chosen with the pin configuration.
126  *
127  * The bus still needs to be enabled after being setup.
128  *
129  * @param pins
130  * Choose one of 7 CANn_IO_* configurations
131  * @param baud
132  * The target baud rate to use
133  */
134 void hsk_can_init(const ubyte pins, const ulong __xdata baud);
136 /**
137  * Go live on the CAN bus.
138  *
139  * To be called when everything is set up.
140  *
141  * @param node
142  * The CAN node to enable
143  */
144 void hsk_can_enable(const hsk_can_node node);
146 /**
147  * Disable a CAN node.
148  *
149  * This completely shuts down a CAN node, cutting it off from the
150  * internal clock, to reduce energy consumption.
151  *
152  * @param node
153  * The CAN node to disable
154  */
155 void hsk_can_disable(const hsk_can_node node);
157 /**
158  * \defgroup CAN_STATUS CAN Node Status Fields
159  *
160  * This group of defines specifies status fields that can be queried from
161  * hsk_can_status().
162  *
163  * @{
164  */
166 /**
167  * The Last Error Code field provides the error triggered by the last message
168  * on the bus.
169  *
170  * For details check table 16-8 from the User Manual 1.1.
171  *
172  * @retval 0
173  * No Error
174  * @retval 1
175  * Stuff Error, 5 consecutive bits of the same value are stuffed, this
176  * error is triggered when the stuff bit is missing
177  * @retval 2
178  * Form Error, the frame format was violated
179  * @retval 3
180  * Ack Error, the message was not acknowledged, maybe nobody else
181  * is on the bus
182  * @retval 4
183  * Bit1 Error, a recessive (1) bit was sent out of sync
184  * @retval 5
185  * Bit0 Error, a recessive (1) bit won against a dominant (0) bit
186  * @retval 6
187  * CRC Error, wrong checksum for a received message
188  */
189 #define CAN_STATUS_LEC 0
191 /**
192  * Message Transmitted Successfully.
193  *
194  * @retval 0
195  * No successful transmission since TXOK was queried last time
196  * @retval 1
197  * A message was transmitted and acknowledged successfully
198  */
199 #define CAN_STATUS_TXOK 1
201 /**
202  * Message Received Successfully.
203  *
204  * @retval 0
205  * No successful receptions since the last time this field was queried
206  * @retval 1
207  * A message was received successfully
208  */
209 #define CAN_STATUS_RXOK 2
211 /**
212  * Alert Warning.
213  *
214  * @retval 0
215  * No warnings
216  * @retval 1
217  * One of the following error conditions applies: \ref CAN_STATUS_EWRN;
218  * \ref CAN_STATUS_BOFF
219  */
220 #define CAN_STATUS_ALERT 3
222 /**
223  * Error Warning Status.
224  *
225  * @retval 0
226  * No error warnings exceeded
227  * @retval 1
228  * An error counter has exceeded the warning level of 96
229  */
230 #define CAN_STATUS_EWRN 4
232 /**
233  * Bus-off Status
234  *
235  * @retval 0
236  * The bus is not off
237  * @retval 1
238  * The bus is turned off due to an error counter exceeding 256
239  */
240 #define CAN_STATUS_BOFF 5
242 /**
243  * @}
244  */
246 /**
247  * Returns a status field of a CAN node.
248  *
249  * @param node
250  * The CAN node to return the status of
251  * @param field
252  * The status field to select
253  * @return
254  * The status field state
255  * @see \ref CAN_STATUS
256  */
257 ubyte hsk_can_status(const hsk_can_node node, const ubyte field);
259 /** \file
260  * \section CAN Message Object Management
261  *
262  * The MultiCAN module offers up to 32 message objects. New messages are set
263  * up for receiving messages. Message object can be switched from RX to TX
264  * mode and back with the hsk_can_msg_send() and hsk_can_msg_receive()
265  * functions.
266  */
268 /**
269  * Creates a new CAN message.
270  *
271  * Note that only up to 32 messages can exist at any given time.
272  *
273  * Extended messages have 29 bit IDs and non-extended 11 bit IDs.
274  *
275  * @param id
276  * The message ID.
277  * @param extended
278  * Set this to 1 for an extended CAN message.
279  * @param dlc
280  * The data length code, # of bytes in the message, valid values
281  * range from 0 to 8.
282  * @retval CAN_ERROR
283  * Creating the message failed
284  * @retval [0;32[
285  * A message identifier
286  */
287 hsk_can_msg hsk_can_msg_create(const ulong id, const bool extended,
288  const ubyte dlc);
290 /**
291  * Connect a message object to a CAN node.
292  *
293  * @param msg
294  * The identifier of the message object
295  * @param node
296  * The CAN node to connect to
297  * @retval CAN_ERROR
298  * The given message is not valid
299  * @retval 0
300  * Success
301  */
302 ubyte hsk_can_msg_connect(const hsk_can_msg msg, const hsk_can_node __xdata node);
304 /**
305  * Disconnect a CAN message object from its CAN node.
306  *
307  * This takes a CAN message out of active communication, without deleting
308  * it.
309  *
310  * @param msg
311  * The identifier of the message object
312  * @retval CAN_ERROR
313  * The given message is not valid
314  * @retval 0
315  * Success
316  */
317 ubyte hsk_can_msg_disconnect(const hsk_can_msg msg);
319 /**
320  * Delete a CAN message object.
321  *
322  * @param msg
323  * The identifier of the message object
324  * @retval CAN_ERROR
325  * The given message is not valid
326  * @retval 0
327  * Success
328  */
329 ubyte hsk_can_msg_delete(const hsk_can_msg msg);
331 /**
332  * Gets the current data in the CAN message.
333  *
334  * This writes DLC bytes from the CAN message object into msgdata.
335  *
336  * @param msg
337  * The identifier of the message object
338  * @param msgdata
339  * The character array to store the message data in
340  */
341 void hsk_can_msg_getData(const hsk_can_msg msg,
342  ubyte * const msgdata);
344 /**
345  * Sets the current data in the CAN message.
346  *
347  * This writes DLC bytes from msgdata to the CAN message object.
348  *
349  * @param msg
350  * The identifier of the message object
351  * @param msgdata
352  * The character array to get the message data from
353  */
354 void hsk_can_msg_setData(const hsk_can_msg msg,
355  const ubyte * const msgdata);
357 /**
358  * Request transmission of a message.
359  *
360  * @param msg
361  * The identifier of the message to send
362  */
363 void hsk_can_msg_send(const hsk_can_msg msg);
366 /**
367  * Return whether the message was successfully sent between this and the
368  * previous call of this method.
369  *
370  * @param msg
371  * The identifier of the message to check
372  * @retval 1
373  * The message was sent since the last call of this function
374  * @retval 0
375  * The message has not been sent since the last call of this function
376  */
377 bool hsk_can_msg_sent(const hsk_can_msg msg);
379 /**
380  * Return the message into RX mode after sending a message.
381  *
382  * After sending a message the messages with the same ID from other
383  * bus participants are ignored. This restores the original setting to receive
384  * messages.
385  *
386  * @param msg
387  * The identifier of the message to receive
388  */
389 void hsk_can_msg_receive(const hsk_can_msg msg);
391 /**
392  * Return whether the message was updated via CAN bus between this call and
393  * the previous call of this method.
394  *
395  * An update does not entail a change of message data. It just means the
396  * message was received on the CAN bus.
397  *
398  * This is useful for cyclic message occurance checks.
399  *
400  * @param msg
401  * The identifier of the message to check
402  * @retval 1
403  * The message was updated since the last call of this function
404  * @retval 0
405  * The message has not been updated since the last call of this function
406  */
407 bool hsk_can_msg_updated(const hsk_can_msg msg);
409 /** \file
410  * \section fifos FIFOs
411  *
412  * FIFOs are the weapon of choice when dealing with large numbers of
413  * individual messages or when receving multiplexed data. In most use cases
414  * only the latest version of a message is relevant and FIFOs are not
415  * required. But messages containing multiplexed signals may contain critical
416  * signals that would be overwritten by a message with the same ID, but a
417  * different multiplexor.
418  *
419  * If more message IDs than available message objects are used to send and/or
420  * receive data, there is no choice but to use a FIFO.
421  *
422  * Currently only RX FIFOs are supported.
423  *
424  * A FIFO can act as a buffer the CAN module can store message data in until
425  * it can be dealt with. The following example illustrates how to read from
426  * a FIFO:
427  * \code
428  * if (hsk_can_fifo_updated(fifo0)) {
429  * hsk_can_fifo_getData(fifo0, data0);
430  * hsk_can_fifo_next(fifo0);
431  * select = hsk_can_data_getSignal(data0, SIG_MULTIPLEXOR);
432  * [...]
433  * }
434  * \endcode
435  *
436  * When using a mask to accept several messages checking the ID becomes
437  * necessary:
438  * \code
439  * if (hsk_can_fifo_updated(fifo0)) {
440  * switch (hsk_can_fifo_getId()) {
441  * case MSG_0_ID:
442  * hsk_can_fifo_getData(fifo0, data0);
443  * [...]
444  * break;
445  * case MSG_1_ID:
446  * hsk_can_fifo_getData(fifo0, data1);
447  * [...]
448  * break;
449  * [...]
450  * }
451  * hsk_can_fifo_next(fifo0);
452  * }
453  * \endcode
454  *
455  *
456  * FIFOs draw from the same message object pool regular message objects do.
457  */
459 /**
460  * Creates a message FIFO.
461  *
462  * FIFOs can be used to ensure that multiplexed signals are not lost.
463  *
464  * For receiving multiplexed signals it is recommended to use a FIFO as large
465  * as the number of multiplexed messages that might occur in a single burst.
466  *
467  * If the multiplexor is large, e.g. 8 bits, it's obviously not possible to
468  * carve a 256 messages FIFO out of 32 message objects. Make an educated
469  * guess and hope that the signal provider is not hostile.
470  *
471  * If the number of available message objects is at least one, but less than
472  * the requested length this function succeeds, but the FIFO is only created
473  * as long as possible.
474  *
475  * @param size
476  * The desired FIFO size
477  * @retval CAN_ERROR
478  * Creating the FIFO failed
479  * @retval [0;32[
480  * The created FIFO id
481  */
484 /**
485  * Set the FIFO up for receiving messages.
486  *
487  * @param fifo
488  * The FIFO to setup
489  * @param id
490  * The message ID.
491  * @param extended
492  * Set this to 1 for an extended CAN message
493  * @param dlc
494  * The data length code, # of bytes in the message, valid values
495  * range from 0 to 8
496  */
497 void hsk_can_fifo_setupRx(hsk_can_fifo fifo, const ulong id,
498  const bool extended, const ubyte dlc);
500 /**
501  * Changes the ID matching mask of an RX FIFO.
502  *
503  * Every RX FIFO is setup to receive only on complete ID matches. This
504  * function allows updating the mask.
505  *
506  * To generate a mask from a list of IDs use the following formula:
507  * \f[ msk = \sim(id_0 | id_1 | ... | id_n) | (id_0 \& id_1 \& ... \& id_n) \f]
508  *
509  * @pre hsk_can_fifo_setupRx()
510  * @param fifo
511  * The FIFO to change the RX mask for
512  * @param msk
513  * The bit mask to set for the FIFO
514  */
515 void hsk_can_fifo_setRxMask(const hsk_can_fifo fifo, ulong msk);
517 /**
518  * Connect a FIFO to a CAN node.
519  *
520  * @param fifo
521  * The identifier of the FIFO
522  * @param node
523  * The CAN node to connect to
524  * @retval CAN_ERROR
525  * The given FIFO is not valid
526  * @retval 0
527  * Success
528  */
529 ubyte hsk_can_fifo_connect(const hsk_can_fifo fifo,
530  const hsk_can_node __xdata node);
532 /**
533  * Disconnect a FIFO from its CAN node.
534  *
535  * This takes the FIFO out of active communication, without deleting
536  * it.
537  *
538  * @param fifo
539  * The identifier of the FIFO
540  * @retval CAN_ERROR
541  * The given FIFO is not valid
542  * @retval 0
543  * Success
544  */
545 ubyte hsk_can_fifo_disconnect(const hsk_can_fifo fifo);
547 /**
548  * Delete a FIFO.
549  *
550  * @param fifo
551  * The identifier of the FIFO
552  * @retval CAN_ERROR
553  * The given FIFO is not valid
554  * @retval 0
555  * Success
556  */
557 ubyte hsk_can_fifo_delete(const hsk_can_fifo fifo);
559 /**
560  * Select the next FIFO entry.
561  *
562  * The hsk_can_fifo_updated() and hsk_can_fifo_getData() functions always
563  * refer to a certain message within the FIFO. This function selects the
564  * next entry.
565  *
566  * @param fifo
567  * The ID of the FIFO to select the next entry from
568  */
569 void hsk_can_fifo_next(const hsk_can_fifo fifo);
571 /**
572  * Returns the CAN ID of the selected FIFO entry.
573  *
574  * @param fifo
575  * The ID of the FIFO
576  * @return
577  * The ID of the currently selected message object
578  */
579 ulong hsk_can_fifo_getId(const hsk_can_fifo fifo);
581 /**
582  * Return whether the currently selected FIFO entry was updated via CAN bus
583  * between this call and the previous call of this method.
584  *
585  * It can be used to decide when to call hsk_can_fifo_getData() and
586  * hsk_can_fifo_next().
587  *
588  * @param fifo
589  * The identifier of the FIFO to check
590  * @retval 1
591  * The FIFO entry was updated since the last call of this function
592  * @retval 0
593  * The FIFO entry has not been updated since the last call of this function
594  */
595 bool hsk_can_fifo_updated(const hsk_can_fifo fifo);
597 /**
598  * Gets the data from the currently selected FIFO entry.
599  *
600  * This writes DLC bytes from the FIFO entry into msgdata.
601  *
602  * @param fifo
603  * The identifier of the FIFO
604  * @param msgdata
605  * The character array to store the message data in
606  */
607 void hsk_can_fifo_getData(const hsk_can_fifo fifo,
608  ubyte * const msgdata);
610 /** \file
611  * \section data Message Data
612  *
613  * The hsk_can_data_setSignal() and hsk_can_data_getSignal() functions allow
614  * writing and reading signals across byte boundaries to and from a buffer.
615  *
616  * For big endian signals the bit position of the most significant bit must
617  * be supplied (highest bit in the first byte). For little endian signals
618  * the least significant bit must be supplied (lowest bit in the first byte).
619  *
620  * This conforms to the way signal positions are stored in Vector CANdb++
621  * DBC files.
622  */
624 /**
625  * Sets a signal value in a data field.
626  *
627  * @param msg
628  * The message data field to write into
629  * @param endian
630  * Little or big endian encoding
631  * @param sign
632  * Indicates whether the value has a signed type
633  * @param bitPos
634  * The bit position of the signal
635  * @param bitCount
636  * The length of the signal
637  * @param value
638  * The signal value to write into the data field
639  */
640 void hsk_can_data_setSignal(ubyte * const msg, const bool endian,
641  const bool sign, const ubyte bitPos,
642  const char bitCount, const ulong idata value);
644 /**
645  * Get a signal value from a data field.
646  *
647  * @param msg
648  * The message data field to read from
649  * @param endian
650  * Little or big endian encoding
651  * @param sign
652  * Indicates whether the value has a signed type
653  * @param bitPos
654  * The bit position of the signal
655  * @param bitCount
656  * The length of the signal
657  * @return
658  * The signal from the data field msg
659  */
660 ulong hsk_can_data_getSignal(const ubyte * const msg, const bool endian,
661  const bool sign, const ubyte bitPos,
662  const char bitCount);
664 #endif /* _HSK_CAN_H_ */